Virtual Reality ART

The Evolution of Art 

I've received a number of messages asking me how I did the Virtual Reality ART. So, I thought I'd share a bit information regarding what I am actually doing. I am using the latest (and what I believe is the industries BEST) Virtual Reality System, by HTC VIVE. I was fortunate enough to be one of the first recipients of the system in Canada a few weeks back. This HTC VIVE system needs to be hooked up to a powerful computer that has a serious GAMING Engine ! I opted out to use the Alienware X51 Gaming computer by DELL. All this coupled with the industries best Virtual Reality software by STEAM Valve, and a top notch VR Painting program TILT BRUSH from Goolge, and there you have it .. a VIRTUAL REALITY PAINT WORLD.
I am very fortunate to have (in my opinion) an in-house EXPERT that knows this stuff inside-out.
I've been training on the system quite a bit, getting ready to perform at an Industry Event with Craig Gruzd from DT Floral & Decor on the 28th of this month on the Distillery District.
I am able to perform my VR Art in-front of a huge 123" Screen, this way the audience really gets a feel for the experience. They actually see what I see, as I move, as I tilt my head, the entire perspective changes. This really gives the feeling of being in my VR space. I've started to work with the GREEN Chromakey (Hollywood type special effect) so that I can have the audience see me IN my Virtual World. I'll be posting some of my experiences on this shortly. Special thanks to my Technical Advisor for a lot of this information :)

My new website for my Art Performance  can be found here: 

Check out 2 of my YouTube Videos:


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